亚博体育宣布启动其新的战略计划, 《有目的的愿景:亚博体育的战略计划》,” which will guide WPU’s efforts over the next five years. 该计划在春季董事会会议上得到了大学董事会的一致批准.

 With “A Vision With Purpose,他说:“西澳大学将推行12项主要目标,以支持以下三个主要范畴:(1)“今日西澳大学”-为学生提供优质服务, missional academic experience that leads to success; (2) “WPU Tomorrow” – Advancing enrollment growth, campus improvement, resource development and reputational strength; (3) “WPU Always” – Engaging internal staff and faculty, and our external stakeholders, 发挥他们最好的技能,协同工作,支持我们非凡的使命. 总之,这三个领域都服务于我们最重要的愿望: “通过对我们的学习社区和世界的卓越关怀和服务来表达耶稣基督的爱.”

 The plan was crafted over the course of a full academic year, culminating recently in May, 并与学校各级教职员工举行了多次会议,深入分析和合作,制定了西普大学未来几年的最高优先事项. 特别感谢Jennifer Boehmer,办公室主任兼高级副总裁 & Strategic Communications, for chairing the effort, 主席迈克·莫兰德作为董事会代表主持会议, President Brian Johnson for commissioning the work, 以及战略规划委员会全体成员,他们的姓名和职位在文件中有详细说明.

 Below is an excerpt of the plan’s introduction. You can view the full plan by visiting here.

 Thank you for your prayers over these goals, 愿上帝继续引导亚博体育以更强大的方式服务我们的社区和世界!

 “A Vision With Purpose” Introduction

亚博体育的第一丝愿景始于近一个世纪前——毫无疑问,自那以后发生了很大的变化. Planted by the Church of God Ministries Movement of Anderson, Indiana, WPU began as Pacific Bible College in Spokane, Washington in the year 1937, 为第一届毕业班总共提供两名女学生学位. 1940年,学院迁至俄勒冈州波特兰市中心的现址. In 1957 it changed its name to Warner Pacific College, and in 2018, 成为亚博体育,以便更好地反映以基督为中心的课程的深度,这些课程将学生带入从教育到护理到商业到社会工作到事工等等的职业道路. 亚博体育也成为俄勒冈州第一所获得美国大学认证的大学.S. Department of Education as a Minority Serving Institution.

 今天,从我们2024年的优势来看,亚博体育继续为不断发展的范式服务. 我们的一系列学位已经发展到更多的硕士水平的编程, online modalities and adult degree completion options, and graduates hold careers in hospitals, classrooms, and offices, in addition to churches. We welcomed our 8th president, Dr. Brian L. Johnson, 他代表了我们的第一位非裔美国领导人,也是一位经验丰富的大学前任校长和著名的17 -19世纪美国文学亚博体育. 我们经受住了COVID-19大流行的考验,并成为社区团体的重要召集人, from supporting educational groups, to accommodating business and nonprofit organizations, 在周末定期接待六个没有教堂的会众. Most astoundingly of all, 我们发现自己被评为俄勒冈州种族最多样化的机构, with more than 65% of our students identifying as People of Color. Moreover, 我们很荣幸成为太平洋西北地区唯一一所被指定为西班牙裔服务机构的基督教学院, and as an Asian American, Native American, Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI). 我们的黑人/非裔美国学生的比例是波特兰市居民的三倍多.

 Yet however far forward the Lord leads us in our walk of service, 一个重要的清晰的目的连接我们的过去和我们的现在:以基督为中心是什么意思,真正提供高质量的高等教育,提升所有人的持久的心脏, and to care for the calling as much as the credential. Our outward expressions may have evolved over the years, but reflective of our Northwest roots, 无论地形如何,主始终带领亚博体育走向“先锋”的角色.

 This strategic plan has been deeply and prayerfully considered, 认识到目前WPU面临着前所未有的挑战和丰富的机遇. In many ways, we are at a crossroads. 我们制定了这一愿景,承认入学可持续性是我们成功的核心, 为一个强大的研究机构服务永远依赖于提供响应性的服务, quality instruction that best serves our community. 前面的路并不容易,但我们相信上帝会继续指引我们如何最好地利用这美好, verdant hillside of Mt. Tabor as a source for connecting students to the love of Christ, 无论从哪里亚博体育,都能发现自己的使命.

 我们称之为“有目的的愿景”有两个原因:第一, the “With Purpose” phrase reflects our new brand, and the encapsulating intent behind our “WP” logo. Second, 就像我们努力为学生提供有目标的生活的途径一样, 因此,我们也要努力坚持责任的愿景——继续建设一所有目的的大学.

 显然,为这一计划所概述的愿景提供亚博体育将对我们构成挑战. Our current ways of operating will need to shift, 我们的愿望需要我们的公民和宗教团体提供更高水平的支持. We therefore ask for your prayers over this plan, 愿上帝引导我们用自己的天赋服务于所有追求品质的人, Christ-centered higher education at Warner Pacific University.